Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother's Day and Cell Phones

            It's a relaxing, Sabbath afternoon. There is a bit of rain drizzling outside, and I've just
finished a watercolor piece for Mother's Day. Yesterday, my family visited a little art show in a nearby town where my mom entered a drawing for a small sunflower painting. Selfishly, I was a bit glad when her name wasn't drawn since I decided it would be the perfect Mother's Day gift to paint myself. So, today, while live streaming on Instagram and filming for this week's (?) YouTube video, I painted sunflowers. The original piece was quite a bit more abstract than mine as my style is different, but I'm sure she will enjoy the picture, nonetheless.

            Also today, I finished a much larger drawing entitled "Numb." This 18 x 24 inch piece is
done in colored pencil and pastel (background and skirt) and depicts a young woman staring mindlessly at her cellphone's glaring screen. Inspiration for this picture swept over me one day as I came to notice the empty, cloudy feeling I sometimes get when spending too much time on my phone – especially at night. At times when I feel sad, I often pull out my phone as a way to numb my mind to whatever problems may be going on. This is such an unhealthy practice, and I have made an effort to be more aware of myself and stay away from this habit.

            Many people have even linked extensive cell phone use (especially at night) to
depression, and I would encourage you to do some research into this. We should all make a better effort to set our phones down more often and start living in the real world, and yes, this also means turning off the television (sorry Netflix) and computer more often, too. Go outside, and get some fresh air! Spend time with your family, go visit your friends in person, do something nice for your neighbors, go on an adventure. Not only will this benefit people around you, it will do great things for your mental health as well.